The Summer is pretty much over
Well Summer has ended in Bulgaria. Today the sky is dark and gloomy with the threat of rain. It has been like this since yesterday but I love this weather because I get to stay inside with warm tea and a nice book....
Ok so I have finished deadlocking my hair. Actually all I did was get another PCV to put tiny breads in my hair that will eventually turn into dreadlocks. She put them in Monday and Tuesday last week and this is the final result. The back view...This is the first day that she actually braided my hair. It looks really funny and weird but I like it in a strange way. They say that the spaces will fill up once the hair actually starts to lock.
This is the front view. This pictures aren't doing my hair justice. It really does look better than what is portrayed here.
Before I had my locks put in I took a couple pictures with some of the children I work with at the Center. This is my last day working with them as I will be teaching at the University and they are starting school today. Wow that's right the children do start school today. The picture is a little blurry because my battery was running low. These are the boys that always came bright and early at 8am to summer camp/daycare.
This little boy is truly an artist. He could draw almost anything and he is only 7 years old!!!
More of the children. We loved to do arts and crafts together.
Some of them were really camera shy.
This is the playground I wrote a project to get. The kids love the playground. Also that is me with my natural hair in a ponytail. I look so tired because week I had to get up at 6:30am to do the daycare. For a PC volunteer that is very early. Hehehe.
I know this post is getting long but here are pictures of me saying goodbye to my PCV friends that have completed their two years of service and went home or are going home in about a month. BYE FRIENDS!!! This is dinner at a Moroccan restaurant in Sofia. A lot of Bulgarians do not like Sofia because it is dirty and all that but I love Sofia. It reminds me of the city lifestyle I had in Chicago before coming here.
I will call Kevin my "source of diversity". Sometimes living in a predominately white country can be overwhelming. I love seeing and being with diversity especially when I am not the only source of diversity. It will be sad to see Kevin leave Bulgaria. Who am I supposed to have staring contests with now? Kevin and I would always have contests to see who could get the most amount of stares in one day. Of course I always won... when Kevin put his sunglasses on. Hehehehe.
These are some other PC friends that I will def miss. Rock on peeps!!!
Drinking tea to the sound of thunder,