I'm back!!!
Hello all,
I hope you have had a wonderful holiday season meaning Christmas, New Years,and Valentines day. I am still moving and shaking in Bulgaria. Wow, can't believe it is my third year here. Time is moving so quickly.
I have been very busy teaching and traveling this past few months. My latest trip was to the wonderful country of Serbia. I was only in Belgrade but it was a wonderful experience indeed.
Here is a picture of my friends that traveled with me...
Here is me and some friends at a cafe called biblioteca...
I am in front of some church in Belgrade...
I went home for Christmas to America which was fun, interesting, and a little confusing. I really enjoyed seeing my family and friends but I felt like a shell of myself. I did not feel like I was a part of America culture. It was the weirdest feeling in the world for everyone around me to be speaking my native language but I could not understand everything they were saying. It felt like I was living inside a bubble. Anyhow, here are pics of me with family...