Sunday, May 31, 2009

Summer is here!!!

Wow! I have been in Bulgaria for three years already. Time has just flown by. I am leaving Bulgaria in the fall to return to America. I am really happy that I spent so much time here, but it is time for me to go home. I want color back in my life!

I want to write more about what it is like being African American in a Post-communist country but at the moment I can't. There is just too much for me to process and too many emotions involved. That is one reason why I haven't written on this blog in a long time. I will try to write more about this when I understand better my own feelings.

I can't wait to get back to America to see my family and friends- if my friend still remember me.

Overall life is good.

Here are pictures below to show what I am looking like these days.

My locks are growing!!!! They are 9 months old now.

Hanging out with friends:

My running buddy and friend:

Little gypsy girl at the market:

Giving a presentation at work about my hometown:

My students after the presentation:

My co-workers:

Cleaning a park in Stranzja (a park reserve in Bulgaria) with friends:

Morning cleaning:

Have a great summer and in the mean time I will be moving and shaking around BG,
