I am soo tired! One of the girls I ride the bus with asked me to braid her hair today. I did her hair in micros for about 11 hours! I have been braiding hair a lot lately. Anyhow, I got to this girls house about 9am and left about 8pm. Her two kids and boyfriend were there the entire time. The kids are five and one years old. They were getting on my nerves, but, they were really cute. Problem was, we had to constantly stop so she could cater to her kids and boyfriend. Urggh!!!!
I could sort of understand her stopping for the kids, but her man needed to take care of himself. (I hope she doesn’t read this blog). The girl is African American her boyfriend is white. The fact the he is Caucasian doesn’t bother me; it’s the fact the she had to do everything for him that I couldnt understand. Literally the guy yelled for her about three times to get things for him. First it was to get a shirt from the basement, than it was to turn the television from the kids cartoons to rap videos, lastly it was to give him the password for his cell phone! I don’t know if I am making a bigger deal out of this because he kept interrupting us, but, it seemed really strange that he needed her attention at that moment. He should have been watching the kids while she was tending to her beauty needs =).
I'm writing this blog because woman are pulled in many directions. This woman works full time at work and full time at home. When the weekend comes instead of her partner helping her take care of the kids while she is beautifying herself for him, he places demands on her. I didn’t like how she was so submissive to him. Once I completed her hair she decided she liked it only after her partner said it looked nice. When I commented on the cleaniness of her house, her response was she keeps in clean because her boyfriend is a neat freak. I know that I can never be this type of woman…
Don’t get me wrong, I could tell that he really cared about her, but is that enough when he treats her like crap? They have been together for about five years now and she is going to be 24 years old next month. They were high school sweet hearts but she seems so weak to me. I know I should mind my own business, but I can’t.
Spending 11 hours at her house made me realize a lot of things that I would not have known about her from just riding the bus. I don’t like (what I perceive to be) her weakness. The girl has so much drive and ambition outside of her relationship with him. When I see her on the bus I see a strong ambitious African American woman. When I see her with him she seems so weak and insecure. This bothers me because he should be helping her develop her self-esteem, rather than demolishing it. Maybe he is intimidated by her strength, I dont know! It is times like this that I am glad that I am me!
Food for thought,
Crystal This is a picture of me and my twisted hair.
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