Corectnig my Blogg!
Ok the person that keeps correcting my blog is starting to get on my nerves. On my last post she (or he) corrected my use of "technically" instead of "technology". I made the correction but I thought to myself why? I have never claimed to be a writer or perfect! I know there are mistakes in my random posts but that is a part of who I am. Life is full of mistakes! I am not writing a thesis here, I did that in Grad School!!! Enjoy my blog for what it is... I am a random Peace Corps Volunteer talking about my experiences. I love to hear what you have to say but the person that is correcting me is getting on my nerves. Obviously you want my attention! So you have it!!! Person, as I told you before thanks for reading....
Trying to prepare for my trip but some idiot keeps dsitracting me, ;-)
Ohh Happy Women's DAY!!!!! March 8th is Women's day in Bulgaria. I prob will not have a chance to say it so better early than never!!!!