Friday, June 06, 2008


The director of PC Bulgaria sent an email informing us of the normal highlights for the week. The email really caught my attention towards to end when I read a fellow Peace Corps Volunteer in Botswana had passed away. This particular volunteer was extending her service for one more year until her life was taken in a fatal car accident last week. I have never met this person or heard her name prior to the email but it made me think about life in general.

I am currently 26. What if my life ended today? What if I never returned home to my friends or family? I know anything is possible considering I lost my father only about 7 months ago. Geez… I hate reading or hearing about death. It only reminds me of the short time I am granted on this earth. A television personality from my town in Bulgaria committed suicide last week. She jumped off one of the high block buildings in the block neighborhood. They still can’t understand why she killed herself at the young age of 34. I remember interviewing with her a couple times throughout the year. Sad.

Conversely, hearing about death also makes be appreciate that I am alive. I am happy to be a live to see and hear from my family and friends. I am happy to be healthy in Bulgaria. I am happy to have so many blessings in my life. I am happy that I can continue to serve the people around me to make them reach their goals. I know that my life isn’t only about me but also about helping the people around me. In some ways it is good to hear about death because it reminds me to appreciate my life.


On a happy note here are a couple more pictures...